My name is Dalton. 🌈 I am 31 and from Fort Collins, Colorado. I began my spiritual journey at a very young age, being brought into a metaphysical lifestyle by a dear aunt of mine. I have fond memories of going to a local metaphysical shop in Fort Collins as early as 6 years old. I instantly fell in love with the welcoming energy of the people and items in the store, especially the crystals. Through out my young life I encountered many life altering traumas and walked many spiritual paths, from Hinduism and Buddhism to more naturalistic practices like Paganism. I never really found much in the organization of religions but found that they all have a common thread...treat others with kindness and do selfless acts. I try to live by this in my own unique and mystical way 🔮
I recently found myself joining a wonderful healing crystal business and the universe couldn't have aligned this path for me more. You must open your heart and soul and truly know yourself and be able to identify the qualities and traits that make you up as a being before you can truly experience all the universe has to offer. Once I was able to this, the blessings began to pour in. I found the love of my life ❤️, someone who allows me to be me to the fullest, shares the same interests, expands my mind, body, and soul. I gained valuable career experience that led me to what every American dreams of and that's a job that I have a passion for. Its not a job but me getting paid to enjoy my hobby. I feel amazing and have found it much easier to cope with the negative thoughts that flutter through. We all will experience ebbs and flow but its about finding the balance and allowing yourself to experience your emotions in a healthy and productive way.
When you find good in people you want to share it with others. Let me tell you Derrick is the man for you if you need spiritual uplifting, soul coaching, addiction name it! I may not be a client but being his partner allows me to see how truly passionate and healing Derrick is. Take a course! The knowledge he is sharing is insanely valuable & life altering.
I am Dalton. An Intuitive fan of one of the most healing individuals I have laid eyes and ears on!!!
My name is Dalton. 🌈 I am 31 and from Fort Collins, Colorado. I began my spiritual journey at a very young age, being brought into a metaphysical lifestyle by a dear aunt of mine. I have fond memories of going to a local metaphysical shop in Fort Collins as early as 6 years old. I instantly fell in love with the welcoming energy of the people and items in the store, especially the crystals. Through out my young life I encountered many life altering traumas and walked many spiritual paths, from Hinduism and Buddhism to more naturalistic practices like Paganism. I never really found much in the organization of religions but found that they all have a common thread...treat others with kindness and do selfless acts. I try to live by this in my own unique and mystical way 🔮
I recently found myself joining a wonderful healing crystal business and the universe couldn't have aligned this path for me more. You must open your heart and soul and truly know yourself and be able to identify the qualities and traits that make you up as a being before you can truly experience all the universe has to offer. Once I was able to this, the blessings began to pour in. I found the love of my life ❤️, someone who allows me to be me to the fullest, shares the same interests, expands my mind, body, and soul. I gained valuable career experience that led me to what every American dreams of and that's a job that I have a passion for. Its not a job but me getting paid to enjoy my hobby. I feel amazing and have found it much easier to cope with the negative thoughts that flutter through. We all will experience ebbs and flow but its about finding the balance and allowing yourself to experience your emotions in a healthy and productive way.
When you find good in people you want to share it with others. Let me tell you Derrick is the man for you if you need spiritual uplifting, soul coaching, addiction name it! I may not be a client but being his partner allows me to see how truly passionate and healing Derrick is. Take a course! The knowledge he is sharing is insanely valuable & life altering.
I am Dalton. An Intuitive fan of one of the most healing individuals I have laid eyes and ears on!!!